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Elizabeth Cates

Owner & Principal Designer

Founded in 2017 by our principal designer, Elizabeth Cates, Sparrow Interiors & Gifts is a full-service design studio and luxe boutique retailer. Elizabeth and her team of professionals are determined to meet every client's needs, catering to an extensive range of styles. Sparrow focuses on providing tasteful and bespoke interiors for clients all over the greater Austin area and beyond.


Elizabeth was born and raised in Dallas, TX, and went to the University of Texas in Austin and received a Bachelor of Science in Interior Design in 1988. UT was one of the first FIDER-accredited programs in the country (Foundation for Interior Design Education). Fresh out of college, Elizabeth’s first position was in the hotel design industry, which transformed into office, and residential interior design. Elizabeth has since worked on ranch and farmhouses and even restaurant design.


Elizabeth moved away for many years to Memphis, TN, but life changes brought her back to Austin, where she has a family. Her brother has been a musician in Austin for over 30 years and both her children are Longhorns.


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Meaning Behind Us

When I opened Sparrow Interiors & Gifts, I pondered and searched through books of meaning for the perfect name for my new business, but I could not come up with anything that fit. I began to reflect on my roots and things that represented our shop and I took to the internet and searched for “cowgirl” names. Sparrow came up and I immediately knew that was it. My mind then went to a beautiful passage of scripture from the book of Matthew:

"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”

- Matthew 10:29-31

Sparrow birds symbolize hope, community, and nesting. We at Sparrow Interiors & Gifts strive to embody these qualities in everything we do. We believe a home filled with love is the most important element, followed by beauty and comfort. Our brand represents home, community, and finding joy in the little things in life.

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Our Team

The team at Sparrow is dedicated to making any project come to life. Our capabilities range from new construction, remodeling, and enhancing existing spaces. Each project is unique to our clients, and we design luxury spaces for their individual needs and taste.


Our boutique storefront offers a unique selection of new & old furniture, art, accessories, and gifts sourced from all over the world. We pride ourselves on supporting local artists, so stop by for a visit and talk with out team for an exclusive experience and design curation.


Emma Jay

Junior Interior Designer

A graduate from the University of Texas at Austin with a B.S. in Architectural Interior Design, Emma is a creative force with a passion for transforming spaces into personalized havens. Emma excels in client interactions, crafting bespoke experiences that reflect individual tastes and preferences. From designing custom pillows and drapes to curating furniture and art for homes, she brings a fresh and innovative approach to every project. 


Nydia Castellanos

Ordering & Logistics

Nydia is an accomplished professional with a multifaceted career spanning bookkeeping, accounting, and operations management. Having excelled in financial roles, she now serves as our Operations & Logistics expert, seamlessly blending financial acumen with organizational prowess. Beyond her defined role, she has become the go-to person for everyone on our team, offering support, guidance, and a collaborative spirit.


Abigail Grant

Retail & Design Associate

With experience in both the retail and design realm, Abby is a dynamic professional seamlessly blending customer-centric expertise with creative design flair. In her role as a retail & design associate, she ensures outstanding customer experiences, fulfills operational needs, and lends a helping hand to the design team.

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